2018 - 2019


The AttentivU headband and scarf is a wearable system consisting of two main components. The first component is represented by an EEG headband used to measure the engagement of a person in real-time, and the second is a scarf that provides subtle, haptic feedback when changes in engagement are detected.

We tested the first generation prototype of the device in the workplace and in learning settings with over 100 subjects. We performed experiments with people studying or working by themselves, viewing online lectures as well as listening to a professor at the university.

Research and Publications

AttentivU: a Biofeedback Device to Monitor and Improve Engagement in the Workplace

41st Annual International IEEE Conference July 2019

by Nataliya Kosmyna, Pattie Maes

AttentivU: Evaluating the Feasibility of Biofeedback Glasses to Monitor and Improve Attention

UbiComp 2018 October 2018

by Nataliya Kosmyna, Utkarsh Sarawgi, Pattie Maes